The Acrylic effect does not work properly at the edge of the screen; the acrylic window acts like transparent near the edges Here's an example- Issue.mp4
Local Edge Intensity Analysis Particle Analysis Other major additions to the micaToolbox are: Cone-mapping based on colour charts(you no longer need to know the spectral sensitivities of your camera – all you need is an X-Rite chart!) Support fornon-linearand sRGB images via linearisation mod...
Mica for Everyone Win11 透明磨砂效果 科技文_ 1.4万 2 01:31 win11桌面美化教程——IOS图标、任务栏调整、时间日期组件 Frederic22 5.7万 102 03:06 涵盖所有win11任务栏美化要点~win11美化必备教程! UPUPOO动态壁纸桌面 35.5万 219 01:03 【教程】Edge开启Mica外观+悬浮标签页 (107版本后) Liu_...
The do's and dont's of transformation work - counting it down with John Belden of UpperEdge The Enterprise hits and misses video show returns with a much-anticipated guest, John Belden of Upper Edge. Belden has outspoken field views on transformation - what works and where companies go wro...