1994; 102 :171–175. [ PubMed ]Quantitative growth fraction evaluation with MIB1 and Ki67 antibodies in breast carcinomas. Am J Clin Pathol 102: 171–175 Bartelink H, Borger JH, van Dongen JA and Peterse JL (1988) The impact of tumor size and histology on local control after breast-...
An output example for an unencrypted preshared key would be as follows: crypto isakmp client configuration group key test An output example for a type 6 encrypted preshared key would be as follows: crypto isakmp client configuration group key 6 JK_JHZPeJV_XFZTKCQFYAAB Session Monitoring and ...
I am pleased to report that investment activity during the year remained buoyant with a total of £14.8 million invested across 20 promising early stage businesses, of which six were new investments. It is reassuring to find that entrepreneurial spirit and drive remain active in the UK. Our i...
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