Miaogou is a locality in Zhangjiakou, Hebei and has an elevation of 1,285 metres. Mapcarta, the open map.
Miaogou Iron Mine of Hebei Iron and Steel Group Mining Company; 2. 河北钢铁集团矿业公司庙沟铁矿; www.jsks.net.cn 4. Uranium pre-concentration in Miaogou Formation, Lower Cretaceous and its prospecting significance in Chaoshui basin 潮水盆地下白垩统庙沟组铀的预富集及其找矿意义 www.ilib.cn ...
miǎo 劰,勤快。杪,树枝的细梢。 ◎ 指年月或四季。眇,瞎了一只眼,后亦指两眼俱瞎。秒,谷物种子壳上的芒,引申为细。淼,同“渺”。渺,微小:渺小。渺不足道。 ◎ 水。缈,〔缥缈〕。gǒu 芶,古同“苟”。枸,〔枸杞〕。岣,〔岣嵝(lǒu)〕山名。狗,哺乳动物。苟,姑且,...
1) Miaogou 庙沟 1. TheMiaogouboron deposit occurs in granulitite of Liaohe group,lower proterozoic erathem,locating at Daxicha village,Kuandian town,Liaoning. 辽宁宽甸大西岔乡庙沟硼矿赋存于下元古界辽河群含硼变粒岩层位。 2. The paper studies the charactristics of engineering geology on slope...
Looking for things to do in Miaogou Town? Our 2024 travel guide unveils hidden gems, must-see landmarks, delicious local eats, and handpicked hotels for every budget. Uncover the best of Miaogou Town with Trip.com!
Miaogou经纬度及电子地图 城市中文名称 : 城市英文名称 : Miaogou 州或国家代码 : CN 国家中文名 : 中国 国家英文名 : China 城市所在纬度 : 41°12'00.00"N 城市所在经度 : 120°40'00.00"E
goumiao的同音词,近音词及组词语有:勾描.goumiao中文含义解释:下表包含 goumiao 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“goumiao组词语” 1 个 勾描 gōu miáo ⒈ 勾画描绘。[查看详情] 1 最近查询: aikou anbian anjia anyu anchanglvshun ansai anan anhong anbingbudong anshi aoxiangzide ...
Fu Lipu, Li Yaoxi, Song Lisheng, Wen Yuling, The Silurian of Western Qinling, Journal of Stratigraphy , 7(4): 258–271 Miaogou in Zhouqu County, Gansu Province Early Silurian Homonymous with Miaokou Limestone.Springer Berlin Heidelberg
MiaoGou cliff - WuLongGou homoclinal reversal anticline.5个回答 庙沟悬崖 - 五龙的同斜反转背斜。2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名 庙沟峭壁- WuLongGou homoclinal逆转anticline。 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名MiaoGou 悬崖 - WuLongGou homoclinal 反转背斜。 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名...