Miami University Oxford 学校官网 U.S. NEWS综排:136区域分类:Rural学校类型:大学 公立混合 国际生数量:1350(占比7.10%) 迈阿密大学牛津(Miami University,简称MU)是公立常春藤之一,学校学术氛围认真又严谨。迈阿密大学牛津是一个浪漫的学校,在学校结婚的学生被称为“Miami Mergers”,每年情人节学校都会给这些在在学校...
Is Miami University--Oxford the best social sciences and humanities school for you? Find out at US News. See if Miami University--Oxford is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
In addition to its Coral Gables Campus, the University also operates the Medical Campus in Downtown Miami, which includes the Miller School of Medicine and UHealth–University of Miami Health System hospitals and clinics, and the Marine Campus on Virginia Key. The University of Miami’s location...
Public Administration Public Relations/Image Management Reading Teacher Education Real Estate Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse Religion/Religious Studies Rhetoric and Composition Russian, Central European, East European and Eurasian Studies School Psychology ...
University of Miami Coral Gables,FL 图为:Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science 学校简介及特色 1925年建校的迈阿密大学是一个年轻、充满活力的私立大学。20世纪初,当地市民决定在社区内建立一所提供优秀教育质量的高等学府,因此,1926年迈阿密大学迎来了最初的560名学生,成为学校传奇的起始点。如今的...
Psychology 273 Graduates Marketing 238 GraduatesMore See All Majors Honors College at Miami University Crafted for our most motivated, intellectually curious students in all majors, the residential Honors College gives you the opportunity to complete six Honors experiences through rigorous and innovative co...
I enrolled at the University of Miami in the Fall 2020 semester. During that time, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted my first year and a half of college, with the first year being almost entirely online. However, the school ensured that all freshmen had opportunities to meet one ...
Miami University, founded in 1809, is a comprehensive, public university. It has an Honors Program, the Dolibois European Center in Luxembourg, an undergraduate research program, the Paper Science and Engineering program (one of only eight in the country), a nationally acclaimed Interdisciplinary St...
her JD from Chapman University School of Law and a BS in Economics from the Colorado School of...
迈阿密大学(University of Miami,简称UM),是一所成立于1925年的美国私立综合大学,地处美国佛罗里达州南部,主要有5个校区,分别是珊瑚岛校区、海洋及环境学院、医学院、南校区、里士满校区。作为全美顶尖的研究型大学之一,迈阿密大学汇集了来自美国和全球的受人尊敬的教师和才华横溢的学生。挑战性的课程,将知识和实践相结合...