Anikwa and his family are members of the Miami tribe and the land of the Indiana Territory has been their familial land for centuries. Frost, Helen. Salt: A Story of Friendship in a Time of War Decades later, a member of the Miami tribe of Oklahoma named Dryl Baldwin has revitalized it...
Indiana, USAMiami Indian tribeforced migrationtribal removalhistorical geographyIn the first half of the nineteenth century, dozens of Indian tribes and tens of thousands of tribal members were forced to move and resettle hundreds of miles away from their traditional homes in the eastern and mid-...
The Miami Tribe lived in Indiana, south of Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio when the Europeans began to colonize North America. In the year 1700 A.D., the Miami Tribe moved into the Valley of Maumee. In the 19th century, the United States government enforced its policy of Indian removal. The...
The United Peoria were terminated in 1950 but restored to federal status in 1972. The Miami Tribe of Oklahoma never lost its federal recognition, something the Indiana Miami have never been able to regain.First Nations referred to in this Miami History: ...
Miami Indian Tribe Winters in the Miami Indian TribeWinters in the Miami Indian TribeLora McIntosh
The Miami are a Native American tribe originally found in Indiana, southwest Michigan and western Ohio. Two Miami tribes are recognized by government bodies: the first is the federally recognized Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and the second is the Miami Nation关键词:...
(AP) -- A lawsuit in which the Miami Indian tribe of Oklahoma is seeking land from 15 counties could drag on for years, a lawyer for the Illinois Farm Bureau said.Bloomington lawyer Danny Leifel told landowners that it is unlikely either side will buckle and that property owners could ...
Lora McIntosh
The Miami also lived in established settlements at the southern end of Lake Michigan in what are now northeastern Illinois and northern Indiana and on the Kalamazoo River in what is now Michigan; they continued to expand as far as Detroit and Ohio but later withdrew from their eastern ...