Unseen Creatures Brewing & Blending husband-and-wife cofounders Marco and Vicky Leyte-Vidal offer Miami-Dade a different type of brewery in the heart of Miami's Bird Road Art District. This is one of the few South Florida breweries with an onsite blending facility specializing in oak barrel-...
主校区 也就是我现在在的校区 位于佛罗里达Miami-Dade县的下属城市Coral Gables,距离迈阿密市区大概7km而那个医学院所在的,题目里说的“主校区”确实在迈阿密市区内,从主校区开车大概15分钟吧 (以上两张图片来源Campuses | University of Miami)(未完待续 2016.4.3 5:59 EDT)---2016.4.5 更新:在深圳高级中学就读...