Miami also has a local bus system is called Metrobus as well as a rail system called Metrorail. A ride on either costs $2.25 USD. You can purchase a ticket using contactless payment methods, the GO Miami-Dade Transit app, or get an Easy Card, which you can purchase from Metrorail stat...
The Jacksonville native was booked Sunday night on several charges, including eluding law enforcement and reckless operation of a boat, according to booking information FOX Television Stations obtained from the Miami- Dade Corrections & Rehabilitation Department. Miami Police wrote in their arrest ...
不要忘记参观Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College,这座历史建筑是迈阿密的象征之一。无论您是艺术爱好者、体育迷还是喜欢户外活动,迈阿密比斯坎湾温德姆旅屋的周边地标和景点都能满足您的需求。 迈阿密比斯坎湾温德姆旅屋周边的公共交通站点 迈阿密比斯坎湾温德姆旅屋位于奈特中心地铁站、学院北地铁站、河滨地铁站、自由...
除了以上景点,酒店附近还有Lock & Load博物馆、Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College和马克西莫戈麦斯公园等值得一提的地方。无论您是来迈阿密旅游还是商务出差,迈阿密国际机场源宿酒店周边的景点和地标将为您的行程增添无限的乐趣和惊喜。迈阿密国际机场源宿酒店周边的公共交通站点迈阿密国际机场源宿酒店位于迈阿密市中心,...
Miami-Dade Police said they arrested a man who was reportedly waving a gun near Huber O. Sibley Elementary School. Aug 23, 2023 U.S. saw 26 mass shootings in first 5 days of July alone, Gun Violence Archive says At least 14 deaths and 50 injuries came from shootings over the Fourth ...
如果您对历史感兴趣,可以参观Lock & Load博物馆和Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College,了解迈阿密的历史和文化。最后,马克西莫戈麦斯公园是一个宁静的绿地,供您散步、慢跑和放松身心。迈阿密汉普顿希尔顿酒店周边的地标与景点丰富多样,满足您在迈阿密的各种需求和兴趣。
此外,迈阿密艺术博物馆、海湾公园、Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science、Lock & Load博物馆、Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College以及马克西莫戈麦斯公园也都离酒店不远,给您的迈阿密之行增添了更多的文化和娱乐选择。迈阿密文华东方酒店周边的公共交通站迈阿密文华东方酒店位于迈阿密市中心,周边交通便利。酒店...
在迈阿密国际机场驻桥套房酒店附近还有许多其他景点,包括迈阿密艺术博物馆、海湾公园、Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science、Lock & Load博物馆、Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College以及马克西莫戈麦斯公园。这些地方都是迈阿密的独特之处,您可以在这里感受到城市的文化和历史。无论您是艺术爱好者、运动迷还是...