Related Slang Categories General Email Social Media Online Chat Text Messaging 2.What is mia short for? 41 +3 Bulimia Mia is short for "bulimia," an eating disorder (ED) that involves an obsession to lose weight, typically by purging food after overeating. Typically, young women struggle most...
What doesroflmiahamean? View the definition ofroflmiahaand all related slang terms containingroflmiahabelow: roflmiaha : Rolling on the floor laughing myself into a heart attack Usage of ROFLMIAHA The abbreviation ROFLMIAHA is an exaggerated way of expressing that something is extremely hilariou...
Abbr.Meaning GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding Welding, Engineering, Industry DC Direct Current Technology, Energy, Automotive MMAW Manual Metal Arc Welding Steel, Technology, Architectural BC Butt Cap Butt, Rod, Fishing ABT Abs, Butt & Thighs Butt, Thigh, Workout CAC Carbon Arc Cutting Welding, Chemis...
Stir is a 19th-century slang word for "prison" that some word historians have suspected to be from Romani stariben, of the same meaning. But a convincing argument of that origin has yet been made. Today, stir-crazy describes any person who has become restless, agitated, or anxious from ...