飞利浦(PHILIPS)【2022年新款】SDR703语音智能晾衣机智能烘干遥控晾衣架自动升降阳台【整杆】语音操控+消毒 ¥4999.00 查看详情 飞利浦(PHILIPS)空气循环扇家用电风扇直流变频落地扇涡轮空气对流换气扇遥控可定时摇头电扇360°摇头/台地两用/智 ¥999.00 查看详情 飞利浦(PHILIPS)咖啡机意式全自动家用现磨咖啡机办公室研磨一...
Beginning in the 1950s, the hidden muta- tion load, as revealed by inbreeding, was used as a way to estimate the genomic mutation rate in organisms such as the human, where experimental measures were not feasible. Load principles were also invoked in an attempt to as...