位于底特律(MI)的宴会中心凯艺套房酒店是一家舒适而实惠的2.5星级酒店,提供温馨的住宿体验,适合家庭、商务旅行者以及休闲游客。酒店拥有127间精心设计的客房,确保每位住客都能享受到宽敞和舒适的环境。无论您是来底特律探索城市的魅力,还是参加商务会议,凯艺套房酒店都将是您的理想选择。 酒店的入住时间为下午3点,退...
He later served as a Wayne County circuit judge, was elected to the state Supreme Court in 1970 and came to be seen as a prospective candidate for the United States Senate. Unfortunately his political career ended in 1975 after he was convicted, in Federal District Court in Detroit, of lyin...
2010 was the Up North D massacre. Stupak retired and the 1stdistrict flipped. Van Sheltrown couldn’t follow in his brothers’ footsteps. He lost an open seat and that whole area flipped. The Alpena area state rep seat flipped. HD-101 flipped back to R’s and Ray Franz got his reveng...
WV-2:The West Virginia House of Representatives yesterday passed the state’s new two-district congressional map after the state Senate approved the draw last week. The state lost a seat in reapportionment, so the new map would inevitably pair two of the state’s current three incumbents. The...
For the better part of a year now, members of the House and the Senate have been working diligently(勤奋地) and constructively to craft legislation that will benefit millions of American families and millions of American businesses who urgently need it. For the first time ever, they've passed...
康熙字典> 𩳒 拼音: 部首:鬼 笔画数:17 Unicode:29CD2 「𩳒」在《康熙字典》页:1462.02 【亥集上】【鬼字部】 【集韻】蘇谷切,音速。鬼名。
奉和襲美吳中言情見寄次韻 作者:陸龜蒙 菰煙蘆雪是儂鄉,釣線隨身好坐忘。 徒愛右軍遺點畫,閑披左氏得膏盲。 無因月殿聞移屧,秖有風汀去採香。 莫問江邊漁艇子,玉皇看賜羽衣裳。
官名。五代后周始置,为诸司使之一。宋朝沿置,属东班诸司使,多不领本职,仅为武臣迁转之阶。真宗咸平元年(998)定为同六品,神宗元丰(1078—1085)改制改正七品。徽宗政和二年(1112)废。 官名。五代后周置法酒库,供宫廷与祭祀、给赐之用,设法酒库使以掌其事。宋沿置,属东班诸司使,通常无职掌,仅作为官...
古籍书目> 幷州記一卷 书名《幷州記一卷》 书名幷州记一卷 作者清王謨輯 版本漢唐地理書鈔本 内容 说明本栏目只提供馆藏线索,不代表本站有影印。 影印检索其他古籍 相关古籍书目 [廣東新會]鄒氏族譜初基不分卷 鄒氏族譜□卷 馮氏家乘不分卷 馮氏宗譜不分卷 ...