GC Mi Paste Plus Mint Flavor 40g 384.7 out of 5 Stars. 38 reviews GC Tooth Mousse , Mint Flavor, 1Pack (40g) Add $25.90current price $25.90GC Tooth Mousse , Mint Flavor, 1Pack (40g) 144.9 out of 5 Stars. 14 reviews Mi Paste One Anti-cavity Toothpaste 35ml Fresh Mint Add $25.90...
Additionally, MI Paste and MI Paste Plus are safe and easy-to-use both in-office and at-home. MI Paste and MI Paste Plus are water-based, sugar-free crèmes that come in five delicious flavors (melon, mint, strawberry, tutti-frutti and vanilla) – each flavor tastes great!
汉语字典> 汉字:腜 拼音:méi四角码:74294 部首:月总笔画:13部首外:9 98五笔:eafs86五笔:eafs郑码:qef 统一码:815C仓颉:btmd笔顺:3511122111234 汉字:「腜」基本解释 ●腜 méi ㄇㄟˊ 1. 〔~~〕肥沃,如“~~垧野,奕奕菑亩。” 2. 妇女开始怀孕的征兆。
冊成王為皇太子文作者:李亨 唐(唐肅宗) 本作品收錄於《全唐文/卷0044》 維乾元元年,歲次戊戌,十月庚子朔五日甲辰,皇帝若曰:於戲!自昔聖王,鹹建儲貳,蓋將嗣守神器,虔奉宗禋。是以禮經著元貞之德,《易象》載重明之義。朕纘服鴻緒,丕承前烈,爰升主鬯之賢,實符當璧之命。谘爾太尉(《唐書》作「元帥」...