米卡沙旅店 (Hotel Mi Casa) 3.5等级(最高为5等级) 复兴路四段149巷5弄8号, 东区, 台中, 中国台湾, 401008 - 查看地图 入住位于台中充满活力的东区的米卡莎酒店。这家时尚酒店为两位旅客提供舒适和便利。享受美食餐厅和舒适的咖啡店等设施。探索附近的地标,如阳光广场奥特莱斯和动漫彩绘巷。客房配有空调、免费...
New Location - via Google Maps Coming Soon Not long after the original restaurant opened word began to spread that Casa Real was looking to open another location just down the road. At some point, a "coming soon" sign was placed at the former Wayside Chapel on M-89 nearGoodwill, but fo...
Un mapa muestra el aspecto de Bancho en el pasado, la cuadrícula de las calles es casi igual a la que me muestra Google Maps, apenas ha cambiado en estructura. Pero hoy en día, en vez de samurái caminando por calles de camino a sus cuarteles, lo que veo son salaryman y salarywoma...
塔雅台城區的1臥室公寓 - 25平方公尺/1間專用衛浴 (Light & Chic - Mi Casa Tagaytay ) 滿分5顆星,住宿獲得5顆星 Unit 1609, Cityland Tagaytay Prime Residence, 大雅台市域, 大雅台, 菲律賓, 4120-查看地圖&週邊景點 住宿位於大雅台市域的絕佳位置,讓您輕鬆探索周遭景點。 這間5星級飯店提供室外泳池,給...
We are usually very leery of these kinds of restaurants, but looked it up on Google Maps and it had good reviews. Sure enough, the food was really good! The mexican food was very tasty, and even the American food was good (e.g. buffalo tenders). Everything seemed to be made fresh ...
Search in Google Scholar [7] Segoni S, Rosi A, Rossi G, Catani F, Casagli N. Analysing the relationship between rainfalls and landslides to define a mosaic of triggering thresholds for regional-scale warning systems. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci. 2014;14:2637–48. 10.5194/nhess-14-2637-...