This 60 hour online pre-license course prepares you for the Michigan Residential Builder PSI exam! Topics covered include construction laws, business practices, and building codes.This course ends with a final exam that will prepare you for the state exam. ...
This is intended primarily for loading ALU constants and for indirect T#/S# lookup. No data formatting is supported, nor is byte or short data. 8.1. Microcode Encoding Scalar memory read, write and atomic instructions are encoded using the SMEM microcode format. The fields are described in ...
Birmingham / Michigan - Lippitt O'Keefe, PLLC offer expert advice on Business, Real Estate and Commercial matters. They aim to deliver cost-effective services with tangible results. Every client is treated as valuable with firm-wide attention and access to senior partners. Each brings a wealth ...
License-API Unofficial REST API for No Yes No Generate logs apiKey Yes Unknown Lua Decompiler Online Lua 5.1 Decompiler No Yes Yes MAC address vendor lookup Retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI apiKey Yes Yes Micro DB...