Optical frequency synthesizer based on a fully stabilized 750-MHz Yb fiber laser frequency comb We developed a microwave-referenced optical single frequency generator based on a fully stabilized, self-referenced 750-MHz Yb fiber laser frequency comb. ... X Bo,H Yasui,TR Schibli,... - Lasers ...
We present a fully phase-stabilized, high-power Yb:fiber frequency comb with record-low sub-mHz relative linewidths. Utilizing coherent pulse-addition inside a passive optical cavity, we achieve >3 kW average power and 100 fs pulse duration for high harmonic generation at > 100 MHz pulse ...
Sub-20fs μJ-energy pulses tunable down to the near-UV from a 1MHz Yb-fiber laser system 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 35 作者: Maximilian Bradler,Eberhard Riedle 摘要: Optical parametric amplifiers render widely tunable ultrashort pulses, but for full spectral coverage, complex mixing ...
MHz from a nonlinear polarization evolution (NPE) self-similar mode-locked Yb-fiber laser oscillator at 40.3?MHz. A specially designed chirped fiber Bragg grating (CFBG) was employed as the pulse stretcher, which provide compensation for higher order dispersion introduced by grating compressor. ...
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Large-scale transmission gratings were produced for a stretcher and a compressor in the Yb-fiber chirped-pulse amplification system. A 23-W, 200-fs laser system with a 10-MHz repetition rate was demonstrated. Focused intensity as high as 1014 W/cm2 was achieved, which is high enough for mu...
爱企查为您提供YJYCOIN/益嘉源磁珠单路 0603 阻抗1000Ω@100MHz YB160808U102-0R5T,上海旋辰电子科技有限公司售卖商品,可电话联系商家或留言询价。磁珠;磁珠批发;磁珠行情报价;磁珠价格;磁珠底价;磁珠图片;磁珠厂家;磁珠生产厂家;磁珠品牌;磁珠型号;磁珠规格参
YB4328D长余辉慢扫描15MHz示波器YB-4328D 具有长余辉慢扫描的功能: 具有YB4328同样的特点: *低扫描档时间为10s/div,*长扫描时间可达250s: 该机是现代医学、电生理等学科研究中理想的测量仪器。 YB4328D长余辉慢扫描15MHz示波器YB-4328D YB4328D长余辉慢扫描15MHz示波器 ...
简介:就职于中国南方航空,长期从事民用航空市场营销工作;民航资源网、中国民用航空网、环球旅讯专栏作者;中央人民广播电台经济之声、浙江交通之声特邀评论嘉宾;《中国经营报》、《法治周末》特约评论员。 王双武 简介:英语言文学学士,工商管理硕士,民航运输高级经济师。有10多年的海外国际航空运输从业经历,曾任南航驻伊...