LH Research SMA81-1/230/R SMA811/230/R Power Supply LH36175 Square D / Schneider Electric Molded Case LH36250 Square D / Schneider Electric Molded Case LH36400 Square D 3P 600V 400A 35K I-Line Circuit Breaker Takeout LHL361501021, 150 amp, 600 volt, 3 pole LHL36350 Square D Cir...
1029 1 1 1 Research Points 1030 9 1280 12800 Eltalite Ore 1031 9 1920 19200 Meldspar Ore 1032 9 1280 12800 Spiritvein Crystal 1034 10 7320 73200 Purecrystal 1036 9 1620 16200 Bathycite Ore 1037 9 1540 15400 Gracium 1038 10 3200 32000 Phantomcore Ore 1039 11 4000 40000 Shadowcore Ore ...
感谢DMQW狩技-狐狸小组 叶子 参与太刀特效修改 (因冲突,贝都因太刀未加入MOD中) Appreciate to YeZi for her participating on effect edit. 感谢DMQW狩技mod组Jodo、MHW Modding Discord提供的材质表及研究 Appreciate to Jodo&mhw modding discord's for their researchs on material ...