IEEE Transactions on Image Processing A Publication of the IEEE Signal Processing SocietyB. Han, D. Min, C. Oh, et al., "Probability-based Rendering ... B Ham,D Min,C Oh,... - 《IEEE Transactions on Image Processing A Publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society》 被引量: 27发...
女性不孕症发病率逐年上升,已占育龄妇女的10%,严重影响女性的生殖健康。在女性不孕症中,排卵障碍是重要原因,约占25%~30%。排卵监测是临床诊治不孕症的重要环节,临床医... 朱小彦,赵玲英 - 《医学影像学杂志》 被引量: 22发表: 2012年 经阴道超声监测卵泡及卵巢动脉周期性变化对不孕症评估价值 目的 经阴道超...
郭凯:扑下身子 为了这片盐碱滩 | 唤醒盐碱地 建设大粮仓 2008年,还在读研究生的我来到中国科学院南皮生态农业试验站,跟随导师刘小京研究员做盐碱地土壤改良方面的研究。 当亲眼看到大片大片的盐碱荒地,我才真正明白,老百姓对改良盐碱地、有个好收成有多渴望。 导师交给我的第一个科研题目,是冬季咸水结冰灌溉改良...
为增强少儿动手能力,拉近亲子关系,2024年1月11日上午,在巢湖市民政局的工作指导下,凤凰山街道兴巢社区联合巢湖市“两项服务”承接单位安徽省社家老年服务中心在辖区幼儿园开展“心怀感恩 与爱同行”制作贺卡活动。 现场,小朋友们充分发挥自己的想象力和创造力,精心制作一张张精美的感恩贺卡,在贺卡上,小朋友们用图案...
作者: 钱莲芳,李广斌,杨槐玉 摘要: 前言 山茱萸(Cornus officinalis Sieb.etZucc.)为我国传统珍贵木本药材,其果肉含有维生素A,C及多种甙,有机酸和糖,最近我院分析发现有黄酮类,香豆素和15种游离氨基酸,23种矿质元素等新成分.其具有补肝益肾,补血降压,抗癌和抗辐射等多种疗 年份: 1987 收藏...
摘要: The article offers brief information on several audio-video receivers (AVRs) supporting high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) 2.0 including the VSX-44 from Pioneer Corp., the RX-V777BT from Yamaha Corp. and the TX-NR636 from Onkyo USA Corp....
PURPOSE:To utilize coal ash as glaze easily, by adding a bivalent metal oxide to coal ash with high content of ferric oxide. CONSTITUTION:Coal ash with high content of ferric oxide is blended with about 10wt% bivalent metal oxide, e.g., MgO, CaO, ZnO, etc. This is used as a materia...
PURPOSE: A fabrication method of an LCD panel is provided to apply sealants for sealing a liquid crystal on outer frames of an LCD panel, without a region where the sealants are disposed, thereby minimizing a contacted part between the liquid crystal and the sealants to prevent the liquid crys...
A device (8) for fixing onto a lining panel (4) of a wall for the retention of insulation material. The device (8) is made from wire, eg. galvanised steel wire, and includes a corrugated portion which has an upwardly sloping portion and a downwardly sloping portion to prevent the insul...
Secure extensibility access to application program interfaces (APIs) is described. Techniques are described in which trust indicia are used determine relative trustworthiness of an extensibility module attempting to access of APIs of an application module. Access to APIs of the application module is mana...