All Switch Axes come with a predetermined Phial. Phials are stored in the Switch Gauge and grants the Switch Axe an unique effect while in Sword mode. There are 6 kinds of Switch Axe Phials:Power Phial: Boosts the Attack power of the weapon. Power Element Phial: Boosts the Attack Power...
Switch Axe - Crafted specifically for the Defense Corps, its high-performance output is thanks to modern tech. Rarity 5 Rarity 665 | 190 Attack Blast 240 Element Slots 0% Affinity (+0) Defense Bonus Sharpness Elderseal Power Phial Phial Type ...
7 Type Switch Axe Monster Teostra Details Media Teostra's Arx 1150 36 Blast Phial : Element ◯―― RARE7 Teostra's Arx 2160 38 Blast Phial : Element ◯―― RARE7 Teostra's Castle170 40 Blast Phial : Element ◯―― RARE7
Axe: (Super) AED <<T>>+<<C>> Axe: ED II <<C>> Axe: Morph Slash (R2) Sword: Morph Slash Charge Phial > <<C>> Switch to Axe Mode and automatically perform an Axe: ED I. Charge Phial R2+<<C>> Charge Sword energy into the Phial. Yellow = 3 Phials. Red = 5 Phials. Re...
Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive Light Bowgun Heavy Bowgun Bow During Hub Facilities Meals & Preparation During Quest Quest Overview Gathering Resources Environment Effects and Hazards Palico Palico Overview Palico Gadgets Teostra α parts Rarity 8 ...
Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive Light Bowgun Heavy Bowgun Bow During Hub Facilities Meals & Preparation During Quest Quest Overview Gathering Resources Environment Effects and Hazards Palico Palico Overview Palico GadgetsMonster Hunter: World Armor Pukei α ← Kulu β | Pukei β→Pukei...
Long Sword3.3Switch Axe3.5 Sword and Shield1.4Charge Blade3.6 Dual Blades1.4Insect Glaive3.1 Hammer5.2Light Bowgun1.3 Hunting Horn4.2Heavy Bowgun1.5 Lance2.3Bow1.2 Changes in Attack Effects in the same group do not stack GroupConditionChangesDuration ...
Long Sword3.3Switch Axe3.5 Sword and Shield1.4Charge Blade3.6 Dual Blades1.4Insect Glaive3.1 Hammer5.2Light Bowgun1.3 Hunting Horn4.2Heavy Bowgun1.5 Lance2.3Bow1.2 Changes in Attack Effects in the same group do not stack GroupConditionChangesDuration ...
Long Sword3.3Switch Axe3.5 Sword and Shield1.4Charge Blade3.6 Dual Blades1.4Insect Glaive3.1 Hammer5.2Light Bowgun1.3 Hunting Horn4.2Heavy Bowgun1.5 Lance2.3Bow1.2 Changes in Attack Effects in the same group do not stack GroupConditionChangesDuration ...
Long Sword3.3Switch Axe3.5 Sword and Shield1.4Charge Blade3.6 Dual Blades1.4Insect Glaive3.1 Hammer5.2Light Bowgun1.3 Hunting Horn4.2Heavy Bowgun1.5 Lance2.3Bow1.2 Changes in Attack Effects in the same group do not stack GroupConditionChangesDuration ...