Abdomen (Thundersac) 1000 1300 UseType: 1 Priority: 2 IsUseMultiRateEx: 0 IsEnableHyakuryu: False IsEnableOverwriteDown: False IsPrioDamageCustomize: True PrioDamageCategoryFlag: True Head Leg Fin Wingarm Wingarm Tail Torso Back (Charged) Abdomen (Thundersac) Chest (Charged) 800 1000 1200 ...
Giganhas Echobat Fortune Owl Felicrow Snow-faced Fox Regitrice Monksnail Quetzalcobra Hellbill Great Wirebug Golden and Gilded Spiribugs
Inferno Sac High Rank Carves Body x1 17% Rathian Plate High Rank Carves Body x1 3% Rathian Ruby High Rank Carves Body x1 1% Rathian Spike+ High Rank Carves Severing x1 40% Rathian Scale+ High Rank Carves Severing x1 35% Rath Marrow High Rank Carves Severing x1 10% Rath Medulla High Rank...
Wyverns that rule the eternally frozen Tundra. Barioth use their forelegs, tail and their spiked scales to traverse the slippery ice with ease; this ability makes them very difficult to keep up with.