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In this work, we tested the performance of a waveguide-supplied metal cylinder-based microwave plasma source (MPS) operating at 915 MHz at atmospheric pressure as a tool for the efficient production of H2 in the steam reforming of the synthetic biogas. The test showed that the steam ...
The metal is used as the electron-conducting phase and the ceramic oxide serves as the proton-conducting phase. Combining these two phases together may lead to high h2 permeation because both σh+ and σel are high; (2) Single-phase ceramic oxides membranes, which simultaneously transport ...
比亚迪史上最大并购案 比亚迪公告显示,公司与卖方捷普电路(新加坡)有限公司订立收购框架协议,据此,卖方有条件同意出售,及公司有条件同意(由其自身或其指定联属公司)以约158亿元的代价收购Juno Newco Target Holdco Singapore Pte. Ltd.(目标公司)的100%股权。 捷普对交易标的的重组(包括财务资料)正在准备中,重组的详...
申请(专利权)人: PAYSETTER PTE LTD 发明人: EDRL Enriquez 摘要: Conversion of Air-Time Credit to Other Forms of (Tradeable) Credit A system and method for conducting financial transactions using available mobilephone credit is disclosed. A mobile phone subscriber is able to make financial5 ...
In addition, both exceptional abiotic stress tolerance (pH, NaCl and temperature) and heavy metal (HM) tolerance was exhibited by this biofertilizer. To conclude, this study demonstrates that the prospect of using already available, well studied, safe and environmentally friendly agronomic bioproducts ...
GP's Wanglaoji JV is the exclusive manufacturer and distributor of the "green label" packet and bottle beverage products, which were launched in 2003 (the rights to the Wanglaoji "red can" belong to Carnaud Metal Box (HK) Ltd.). However, Wanglaoji JV and its products have a number of...