CS5C 100P/R 转换开关 250V.ADA10-9A061-4风扇 AC220-240V 0.10A.DP201AT P/N2122HST 熔断器 (瓷保险管).6A Φ10*38.RT18-32X空气开关 AC230V 1P 5A.GMT32-B5开启式刀开关 HD11F-600/380接触器 DC110V.SC-4-1/G(19)常开 按钮 CP1-10G-11中间继电器 AC220V 6A.CR-M230AC4L编码器 E6C2-... RC Snubber (RS and CS) A snubber network across the power diode reduces ringing and spikes at the switching node. Excessive ringing and spikes can cause erratic operation and couple spikes and noise to the output. Ultimately, excessive spikes beyond the rating of the LM5005 or the ...