这是个潜入游戏的第3部作品,出在PS2游戏机上。《合金装备3:食蛇者》英文:Metal Gear Solid 3:Snake Eater
In many ways, remakingMetal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eateris an obvious choice. The game is a near-universally beloved PS2 classic, one of the best stealth action games of all time, and is filled with iconic moments and set pieces. And the remake —titledMetal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater...
今天是《MGS3》发售十周年的纪念日,相信各位都还记得10年前这款登陆PS2、让无数硬汉落泪的作品吧。在此献上国外音乐玩家自制的主题曲《Snake Eater》。http://t.cn/Rz7O0UZ
MGS3HD V1 0 Add fileReportMGS3HD V1 0 Location Games:Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:Mods:Metal Gear Solid 3D HD mod:Files Filename MGS3HD-V1.0.zip Category Demo Uploader jimlafleur Added Apr 11th, 2020 Size 542.93mb (569,308,422 bytes)...