在线看MGS4: Guns of the Patriots *SPOILERS* Next/Last-Gen.. 2分钟 22秒。2008 6月 23的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 135 — 已浏览。 2 — 已评价。
合金装备4:爱国者之枪 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 类型:动作 / 官方中文:不支持 平台:PS3 上市:2008-06-12(PS3) 制作发行:Konami 9.3 玩家评分 (展开) 游戏介绍:这一次的故事是在数年后的未来世界,该年代中战争被为军事请负企业雇所支配,各企业派遣佣兵派遣到各地去作战,而非是...
Team Solid Snake (Metal gear solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots) (MGS) wins! Team SCP-096 (SCP) wins! Team SCP-096 (SCP) wins! Team Solid Snake (Metal gear solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots) (MGS) wins! Team Solid Snake (Metal gear solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots) (MGS) wins! T...
下面这张图可是我自己的,这个20周年纪念的套装我收了,现在貌似也不贵,里面有初代的重制,还有1.2.3和OPS的游戏,算是一个简单的收藏,有兴趣的玩家可以搜一下看看! 19.METAL GEAR SOLID 4 GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS《合金装备索利德4:爱国者之枪》 合金装备4,从这时开始,转战到了PS3平台,目前也是小岛唯一承诺没有...
【游戏光环DVD】MGS4 全剧情影像(合金装备索利德4:爱国者之枪 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots)发布人 自购自压游戏光环DVD 出品 MGS4 全剧情影像 2008年7月20日 全国上市逐行扫描高画质DVD 5碟套装优质中文可开关字幕 550分钟全剧情影像完整收录!完整任务简报+Codec对话+完整剧情影像+实际游戏过程...
2008年在PS3平台上《Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots》(潜龙谍影4 爱国者之枪)发售,作为系列的终结作品(当时的叫法),可谓达到了系列的巅峰,因为凭借蓝光的大容量优势,本作的过场剧情长达12小时之久,游戏性也极为出色,本作亦夺得当年度多项游戏大奖,累计销量500万套。 2010年4月末,被小岛秀夫誉为正...
The original MGS4 blu-ray disc was 36 GB: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots That's equivalent to five dual-layer DVD (8 GB) discs. Most of which was the uncompressed audio and video files. The digital download was just over 26GB because they compressed the au...
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 Bundle To coincide with the much-anticipated North American launch of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots in late Q2 2008, SCEA will introduce a PS3 bundle, which will include an 80GB PS3, the upcoming blockbuster...
2014-Guns of the Patriots2018-Rising(按路线是MGS4之后,整体故事与MGS没有多少关联)异传∶Snake’s Revenge(NES版MG的续作,与「Ghost Babel」无关)200X-Ghost Babel(设定为MGS以前,但剧情完全分歧)2016-AC!D(故事建立在「Ghost Babel」)2016之后-AC!D 2(紧接第一作)...
the rumor may be a lot more plausible than once thought.The reason is that a posted list by Smash Bros. Dojo shows all of the music tracks found in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.Included in that list is MGS4 [Theme of Love] SSBB version from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots...