如何看待新发布的Genesis物理引擎? 关注了问题2024-12-11 02:15 如何对科研保持新鲜感? 关注了问题2024-12-11 01:07 为什么基础科学很久没有重大突破了? 关注了问题2024-12-11 01:06 你们是怎么找到科研课题的? 关注了问题2024-12-10 01:21 怎么理解“科研做到后面,都是拼身体”?
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These receptors are overexpressed by various carcinomas in order to take advantage of the endogenic ligands for cell proliferation, angio- genesis and metastasis [1]. Radiolabeled derivatives of these endogenic neuropeptides can be used in the early detection and treatment of cancer. The ...
这款Huracan GT3的继任车型预计将于2026年首次亮相赛场,而Genesis捷尼赛思的Hypercar项目也将在2026年正式开启。与此同时,这也为梅赛德斯-AMG在2025年进军WEC 赛事打开了大门,届时他们或将推出两辆LMGT3规格的AMG GT3 EVO。由于Iron Lynx预计将继续参与WEC,因此现在看来,这支意大利车队明年有可能会以梅赛德斯-AMG赛车...
These regions, satisfying a necessary criterion for instability, likely explain the genesis of the waves, and perhaps also their bimodal character between surface (faster waves) and altitude (slow m=1 waves).doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2004.03.015D. Banfield...
【快讯】金色晨讯 | 11月24日隔夜重要动态一览1. FTX请求法院让BitGo在破产期间保护其资产;2. Cathie Wood:灰度是DCG目前最有价值的部分;3. CrossTower考虑收购其他加密公司并考虑推出救援风险基金;4. Llama和Gauntlet提交提案以弥补Aave上160万美元的坏账;5. Genesis Global Capital确认聘请投资银行Moelis与潜在投资...
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During that time a number of geological features have been encountered which help in understanding the genesis of the Prairie Evaporite (Devonian). Many of the primary features, which provide an excellent insight into the conditions which existed at the time of deposition, can be related to ...