Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table. EMPLOYEES EMP_NAME DEPT_ID MGR_ID JOB_ID SALARY EMPLOYEE_ID 101 Smith 20 120 SA_REP 4000 102 Martin 10 105 CLERK 2500 103 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 4200 104 John 30 108 HR_CLERK 2500 105 Diana 30 108 IT_ADMIN 5000 106 Smith 40 110 AD.ASST ...
Examine the data in the EMPLOYEES table. EMPLOYEES EMP_NAME DEPT_ID MGR_ID JOB_ID SALARY EMPLOYEE_ID 101 Smith 20 120 SA_REP 4000 102 Martin 10 105 CLERK 2500 103 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 4200 104 John 30 108 HR_CLERK 2500 105 Diana 30 108 IT_ADMIN 5000 106 Smith 40 110 AD.ASST ...
CREATE TABLE departments (department_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, department _ name VARCHAR2(30)); CREATE TABLE employees (EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, EMP_NAME VARCHAR2(20), DEPT_ID NUMBER REFERENCES departments(department_id), MGR_ID NUMBER REFERENCES employees(employee id), MGR_ID NUMBER REFEREN...
Examine the data of the EMPLOYEES table. EMPLOYEES (EMPLOYEE_ID is the primary key. MGR_ID is the ID of managers and refers to the EMPLOYEE_ID) Evaluate this SQL statement: What is its output?() A. B. C. D. E. The SQL statement produces an error....
The JOB_ID column is a NOT NULL column.Evaluate this DELETE statement:DELETE employee_id, salary, job_idFROM employeesWHERE dept_id = 90;Why does the DELETE statement fail when you execute it?() A. There is no row with dept_id 90 in the EMPLOYEES table. B. You cannot delete the ...
Diana 30 108 IT_ADMIN 5000 106 Smith 40 110 AD_ASST 3000 108 Jennifer 30 110 HR_DIR 6500 110 Bob 40 EX_DIR 8000 120 Ravi 20 110 SA_DIR 6500 DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENT_ID DEPARTMENT_NAME 10 Admin 20 Education 30 IT 40 Human Resources On the EMPLOYEES table, EMPLOYEE_ID is the primary ...
A powerful set of tools, for both IT managers and users, to efficiently create, manage, browse and analyse all groups in your Microsoft 365 environment. People love using Microsoft Teams. However, every time a team is created, a ‘group’ and a lot of underlying assets like mailboxes, ...
Workday Peakon Employee Voice ByEcho.ai de flux de travail Workfront WorkHub BRAVO WorkHub WorkBOT WorkInSync WorkJam Home WorkJam Schedule Tâches WorkJam Horloge WorkJam Intégration de workleap Workpath Workplace by bs one WorkplaceBuddy workway WOX IA wrenly Wrike XM Fax (CA) XM Fax (EMEA...
Partner With an Association Plan for Effect of Economic Trends on Your Fundraising Planned Giving Essentials Growing a Bequest Program by 700 Percent Gift Acknowledgement Options Pick Feasibility Survey Subjects Carefully Campaign Structures Anatomy of an Employee Giving Campaign: Emory University Policies ...
New employee details are added to the table.Which statement accomplishes this task?() A. UPDATE emp_hist SET employee_id, name, job_id, salary = (SELECT employee_id, name, job_id, salary FROM employees) WHERE employee_id IN (SELECT employee_id FROM employees); B. MERGE INTO emp_hist...