公司地址:手机号/微信号:15901914505 【QQ号:3187892335】上海市化学工业区 进入店铺 询盘 MGC-803 Cell Line|人胃癌细胞相关厂家报价 产品名称价格公司名称报价日期 MGC-803 cell line人胃癌细胞系 询价 VIP5年 上海宾穗生物科技有限公司 2025-03-04
从一位53岁男性原发性胃低分化粘液样腺癌患者建立。该株细胞DNA分型在细胞系检索中找到完全匹配的细胞系,EXPASY数据库显示细胞名为MGC-803,细胞号对应CVCL_5334。 Problematic cell line: Contaminated. Shown to be a HeLa derivative (PubMed=26116706). 细胞STR位点信息:D5S818:10,11,12;D13S317:7,13.3;D...
MGC-803 CELL LINE|人胃癌细胞 更多供应商 上海弘顺生物科技有限公司 联系电话: 15901914505 15901914505 产品介绍: 中文名称:MGC-803 Cell Line|人胃癌细胞 英文名称:MGC-803 Cell Line 包装信息:1000000cells/;2000000cells/ 备注:MGC803 Cell Line|人胃癌细胞 1×10(6)cells/T25培养瓶 ...
人胃癌细胞MGC-803,细胞介绍从一位53岁男性原发性胃低分化粘液样腺癌患者建立。该株细胞DNA分型在细胞系检索中找到完全匹配的细胞系,EXPASY数据库显示细胞名为MGC-803,细胞号对应CVCL_5334。Problematic cell line: Contaminated. Sh
He La and anothe r cell of un known origi n . The STR profile is highly similar to that of He La yet shows some specific diffe rences that suggest a possible hybrid cell line . 形态 上皮细胞样 生长特征 贴壁生长 倍增时间 每周 2 至 3 次 ...
细胞:Human gastric epithelial cell line GES-1 and human gastric carcinoma cell line MGC-803, BGC-823, HGC-27, SGC-79012022年影响因子/JCR分区:2.587/Q4 MiR-548d-3p Promotes Gastric Cancer by Targeting RSK4. Cancer Manag Res. 2020 Dec 24;12:13325-13337. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S278691. PMID...
1980年建系,人胃癌低分化黏液腺癌组织小块用RPMI-1640培养液培养4天细胞开始生长,首次传代8日。免疫抑制的Wistar雄幼大鼠皮下移植成功。Problematic cell line: Possibly contaminated. May be a derivative of HeLa and another cell of unknown origin. The STR profile is highly similar to that of HeLa yet ...
MGC-803cell; 胃 癌细胞(STR鉴定) 细胞介绍 从一位53岁男性原发性胃低分化粘液样腺 癌患者建立。该株细胞DNA分型在细胞系检索中找到完全匹配的细胞系,EXPASY数据库显示细胞名为MGC-803,细胞号对应CVCL_5334。 Problematic cell line: Contaminated. Shown to be a HeLa derivative (PubMed=26116706). 细胞...
该株细胞DNA分型在细胞系检索中找到*匹配的细胞系,EXPASY数据库显示细胞名为MGC-803,细胞号对应CVCL_5334。 Problematic cell line: Contaminated. Shown to be a HeLa derivative (PubMed=26116706). 细胞STR位点信息:D5S818:10,11,12;D13S317:7,13.3;D7S820:11,12;D16S539:9,11;VWA :16,17,18;TH...
Based on these findings, we conclude that MGC-803 is a hybrid cell line derived from HeLa and other cells, the latter derived from a different patient with Asian genetic ancestry.doi:10.1007/s13577-023-01011-4Yang, MeimeiHe, JingXia, SixuanWang, YudongXiong, JunLiao, CongLi, NanQu, ...