2.始终显示瞬间流量。3.在水不满的情况下警报装置会发出响声。4.警报装置会在逆流・空气检测・漏水・电池电压・流量过大等情况下发出警报以便及时通知流量异常。・搭载背光屏功能 1.即使是在像深坑等黑暗场所也可以使用主机所搭载的背光屏功能,让您抄表时更轻松。2.开盖后30秒左右即可亮光。*背光屏一天内...
Considerable excitement has been caused recently by the discovery that the binary boride system with stoichiometry MgB2 is superconducting at the remarkably high temperature of 39 K (1). This potentially opens the way to even higher Tc values in a new family of superconductors with unexpectedly sim...
Considering the small Tc drop and the residual Si3N4 particles in the heat treated tapes, it is believed that the Si3N4 particles appear as additives in MgB2. The added and/or reaction induced nanometre particles might serve as effective pinning centres. 展开 DOI: 10.1088/0953-2048/18/6/...
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