56.6. 将配制好的反应体系放入abi7500 qpcr仪中,荧光基团“reporter”选择对应的荧光通道,淬灭基团“quencher”选择“mgb”通道;按照下表13的程序设备温度、时间、信号采集时间、反应循环数;设置完成后,点击“run”开始运行。 57.表137. 程序运行结束后,点击“分析”查看数据处理结果,收集数据如下表14所示。 58.表14...
分子信标用于基因诊断的原理是在寡核苷酸探针的5’和3’端分别标记报告荧光基团(reporter,R)和淬灭基团(quencher,Q),并使R和Q两个基团临近的几个碱基(4-6个)互补,而中间的序列则是能与靶DNA特异性互补的碱基序列。这样在游离情况下,荧光探针的两端互补折叠成茎环结构(stem-loop structure)。R基团与Q基团空间上...
A shorter probe has greater quenching efficiency because the dye is closer to the quencher. Combined with a non-fluorescent quencher, such as EDQ, the short MGB Probe leads to low background and high signal-to-noise. Key benefits Short probes with high ...
Molecules that are attached to the 3′ end ofTaqMan®MGB probes. When the probe is intact, the nonfluorescent quencher (NFQ) prevents the reporter dye from emitting fluorescence signal. Because the NFQ does not fluoresce, it produces lower background signals, resulting in improved precision in...
TaqMan MGB probes have a nonfluorescent quencher at the 3´ end and a minor groove binder at the 3´ end that increases the melting temperature (Tm) of probe, allowing the use of shorter probes. For more information on MGB probes, please consult the following manual: "Primer Express v...
Molecules that are attached to the 3′ end ofTaqMan®MGB probes. When the probe is intact, the nonfluorescent quencher (NFQ) prevents the reporter dye from emitting fluorescence signal. Because the NFQ does not fluoresce, it produces lower background signals, resulting in improved precision in...
TaqMan MGB probes have a nonfluorescent quencher at the 3´ end and a minor groove binder at the 3´ end that increases the melting temperature (Tm) of probe, allowing the use of shorter probes. For more information on MGB probes, please consult the following manual: "Primer Express v...
•MGB探针的淬灭基团采用非荧光淬灭基团(Non-Fluorescent Quencher),本身不产生荧光,可以大大降低本底信号的强度。同时探针上还连接有MGB (Minor G离唱免队书眼刑军roove Binder)修饰基团,可以将探针的Tm值提高互示装川草盐写没当10°C左右。因此为了获得同样的Tm值,MGB探针可以比普通TaqMan探针设计得更短,既...