Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium AlloysNonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous AlloysSummary This document is part of Subvolume A 'Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous Alloys' of Volume 37 'Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys' ...
V. Pavlyuk, B. Marciniak, E. Roz_ ycka-Sokołowska, The isothermal section of the phase diagram of Ce-Mg-Zn ternary system at 470 K, Intermetallics 20 (2012) 8-15.PAVLYUK V, PROCHWICZ W, SOLOKHA P, et al. Interaction of the Ce- Cu -Zn ternary system at 200°[ J ].. ...
Isothermal sections of the Zn—Mg-Y equilibrium phase diagram at 700 K, 773K and 873 K have been determined in the region of 30–70 at.%Zn, 20–60at.%Mg and 0–20at.%Y using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), wavelength dispersive X-ray, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron ...
Therefore, binary sub-systems of Mg-Zn-{Y, Ce} including Mg-Zn, Mg-Y, Mg-Ce, Zn-Y, and Zn-Ce phase diagram have been critically reviewed. In addition, ternary phase diagrams of Mg-Zn-Ce and Mg-Zn-Y have been assessed. A comparison between mechanical properties of commercial Mg-...
This research investigates a small portion of (Zn,Mg)O phase diagram in order to clarify the solubility limit of MgO in ZnO. Grain size measurements, x-ray diffraction measurements, and photoluminescence measurements were used to investigate the composition dependence of lattice p...
Fig. 2. Mg-Zn phase diagram obtained from the thermodynamic simulation using the database of Povoden-Karadeniz [29]. Fig. 3a presents the results of the non-equilibrium thermodynamic simulation (Scheil model) of liquid fraction versus temperature for some compositions in the selected range. The ...
The 14th National Conference and Multilateral Symposium on Phase Diagrams and Materals Design Mg.Zn.Si三元系相图热力学计算及其相生成规律的研究 赵阳子1, 李谦1 陈双林1 3, 张捷宇1,周国治L2, 车云74 1.上海大学大学材料科学与工程学院,.j:海200072:2.北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院北京:1000833; 3.Com...
[0018] 发明人采用Factsage软件PhaseDiagram(相图模块)和热力学数据库SGTE(溶液、纯物质和化合物数据库)与镁基数据库,绘制平衡条件下Zn、Y含量对Mg-Zn-Y合金准 晶形成数量的影响示意图。如图14可知,当Zn含量为9wt. %,Y含量为2wt. %时,准晶数 量最多。尽管Y含量为3wt. %时的准晶数量更多,但是根据凝固理论...
图8MgZn2-M92Si是伪二元相图的优化计算 of Fig.8.OptimizedphasediagramM92Si-MgZn2pseudo-binary 根据上述优化结果建立的Mg-Zn.Si体系数据库,计算TMg.Zn.Si体系凝固时发生的平衡 反应,见表2。对608K等温截面计算发现,Mg固溶体中含有2.86at.%的Zn,没有固溶Si,与 固溶度非常小,现有的Mg-SiZ元系热力学描述...
chips, and powder covered the weld surface of Mg-6Zn. The results from GTAW and FSW were discussed in light of the binary Mg-Zn phase diagram and the curves of temperaturevsfraction solid during solidification.