The MG-RAST metagenome portal 14followers Argonne Illinois Overview Repositories62 Projects Packages People2 More PinnedLoading MG-RASTMG-RASTPublic The MG-RAST Backend -- the API server Perl4527 Skyport2Skyport2Public ...
Sequenced genomes with most hits to the Amazon metagenome (using the MG-RAST server).Ghai, RohitRodriguezValera, FranciscoD. McMahon, KatherineToyama, DanyelleRinke, RaquelWagner Garcia, JoséPellon de Miranda, FernandoHenriqueSilva, Flavio
Last commit date Latest commit wgerlach doc clean-up Oct 4, 2019 4b29331·Oct 4, 2019 History 3,065 Commits Docker Added named awe-server Dockerfile Aug 11, 2018 awe-proxy simplify task enqueueing, handled by one process to prevent race cond… ...
MG-RAST, or the metagenomics RAST (rapid annotation using subsystems technology) server makes it possible for users to upload raw metagenomic sequence data in (preferably) fastq or fasta format. Assessments of sequence quality, annotation with respect to multiple reference databases, are performed ...
我想将文件上传到Metagenomics Server Rast,但使用以下代码 curl -X POST -H \"auth: AUTHKEY\" -F \"FILE.FASTA\" \"\" 我总是得到错误 Warning: Illegally formatted input field! curl: option -F: is badly used here curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl...
The metagenomics analysis server MG-RAST at Argonne National Laboratory, a computational biology data processing platform, is receiving several terabytes of data submissions per month. However, MG-RAST currently relies on a central object-based data store, Shock, for data access and storage that can...
VERSION=$(docker run --rm mgrast/shock shock-server --version|grep version|grep -o v[0-9].*|tr -d'\n')echo$VERSIONdocker create --name shock mgrast/shock mkdir -p bin docker cp shock:/go/bin/shock-server ./bin/shock-server-${VERSION}docker rm shock ...