The MG ZS is quite suitable for someone like me who commutes regularly. The car body is not large, with a length of only 4323mm, and it has a small turning radius, making it agile to drive in the city. The interior is quite high-end, with a leather steering wheel and leather seats...
在中国市场拿下1月高端小型SUV销量TOP3的新年开门红、月售11000辆的名爵ZS,在全球市场更是表现夺目。在英国、澳大利亚、泰国、沙特等国相继上市之后,名爵ZS于近日在智利圣地亚哥正式上市,并由此向南美市场进发。为年轻打Call,高颜值、高网感、高阶配置的名爵ZS不仅将为南美小伙伴开启“爵不将就”的always YOUNG精彩...