马来西亚理科大学(Universiti Sains Malaysia)简称USM,成立于1969年,是马来西亚五所研究型公立大学之一,2025年QS世界大学排名第146名。大马政府对其寄予厚望,力图将其打造为世界TOP 100大学。 USM是全马注学生人数最多的大学,现有约3万名学...
Shaohua Li 将于2025年初加入香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 计算机科学与工程系担任助理教授,现招收多名系统 (Systems)、软件工程 (Software Engineering)、程序语言 (Programming Languages)、安全 (Security) 等方向的PhD (2025 Fall)、RA (2024/2025)...
known as the ‘cradle’ of the country’s journalists and communication professionals, has graduated more than 10,000 students. The school currently has about 1200 students in its BA, MA and PhD programs. The number of ...
At Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China), we are committed to training the next generation of business scholars. Since 2009, we offer PhD opportunities in many areas of business with supervisors available for a wide range of inter...
马来西亚理科大学(University of Science,Malaysia,简称USM/理大)是继马来亚大学之后成立的马来西亚第二所公立大学,同时也是马来西亚最具领先地位的大学之一。在最新2024QS世界大学排名137,全马第2。USM设有26个学院(school)和1个研究生...
博士生,奖学金每月约18K港币。对于特别优秀的候选人,实验室可以协助申请香港政府博士生奖学金 (Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, HKPFS),获得者每月奖学金约27K港币。具体情况参考: https://fytgs.hkust.edu.hk/admissions/Admission-to-Hong-Kong-Campus/submitting-an-application/sc...
admission policy, and issues the diploma and bachelor's degree certificates of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ))and the bachelor’s degree certificate of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technolog...
https://cde.nus.edu.sg/graduate/graduate-programmes-by-research/admission-requirement-2/ 申请方式: 请有意者可发送您的简历和成绩单至:tanrobby@gmail.com 邮件主题:PhD/Postdoc/RA Application - Your School – Name 留学是一场持久战,提早出发才能成功抵达!
- For General Admission Research Post-Graduate Studentships (MPhil/PhD): The current monthly stipend for a Postgraduate Studentship is HK$18,025 (approximately US$2310) per month for both MPhil and PhD students. For details:http://www.eng.cuhk...
博壹PhD 网上报名 报名时间:2024年2月26日上午9:00至3月11日上午9:00,逾期不予受理。 报名网站:北京大学研究生招生网(网址: https://admission.pku.edu.cn/applications/)。具体报名办法详见附件一。 每位考生仅限申请本院一个专业,...