int mg_mgr_poll(struct mg_mgr *m, int timeout_ms) { ... tv.tv_sec = timeout_ms / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (timeout_ms % 1000) * 1000; num_ev = select((int) max_fd + 1, &read_set, &write_set, &err_set, &tv); ......
mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, ?); My platform is Esp32 What is purpose of second paramater. I notice if have 1 tcp connection than mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1); is good enough. but I have 3 tcp connections it slows down receiving and sending tcp messages. but i have to do mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, ...
Another issue is that even if you add data, the IO thread does not know that the data was added - it may continue sleeping inmg_poll(). So your data gets sent whenever the main IO thread wakes up fromselect(), and that depends on the polling interval you've set inmg_mgr_poll()c...
master分支不稳定,可能有bug。实际上,它有一个bug,正在审查修复:UseSO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSEon Windows, ...
master分支不稳定,可能有bug。实际上,它有一个bug,正在审查修复:UseSO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSEon Windows, ...
. . . . . 121 CYND1071I: PropertyMgr started. . . . . . 121 CYND1072I: Thread Manager started. . . . . 121 x IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agents for WebSphere Applications, J2EE, and HTTP Servers: Messaging Guide CYND1073I: Thread Manager stopped. . . . 121 CYND...