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Annaleise R. KleinLudmilla AristildeSpringer International PublishingEnvironmental Chemistry LettersPochodylo, A.L., Klein, A.R., Aristilde, L., 2017. Metal-binding selectivity and coordination dynamics for cyanobacterial microcystins with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, and Ca. Environ. Chem. Lett. 1-7....
Pochodylo, AmyKlein, AnnaleiseAristilde, LudmillaEnvironmental Chemistry LettersPochodylo, A.L., Klein, A.R., Aristilde, L., 2017. Metal-binding selectivity and coordination dynamics for cyanobacterial microcystins with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, and Ca. Environ. Chem. Lett....
Pochodylo, AmyAristilde, LudmillaEnvironmental Chemistry LettersAmy LP, Ludmilla A. Molecular dynamics of stability and structures in phytochelatin complexes with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg and Ca: Implications for metal detoxification. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2017, 15: 495-50...
Pochodylo, Amy L.Aristilde, LudmillaSpringer International PublishingEnvironmental Chemistry LettersAmy LP, Ludmilla A. Molecular dynamics of stability and structures in phytochelatin complexes with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg and Ca: Implications for metal detoxification. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2017, 15:...
The 0(0)(0) band of the (A) over tilde (2)Pi - (X) over tilde (2)Sigma(+) transition of MgC4H has been recorded at high resolution using laser-induced fluorescence. The molecules were produced using an ablation source by the reaction of magnesium and similar to 10% acetylene ...
Charlet, Enhanced interlayer trapping of a tetracycline antibiotic within montmorillonite layers in the presence of Ca and Mg, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 44 (2016), 153-159L. Aristilde, B. Lanson, J. Miehe-Brendle, C. Marichal, L. Charlet, Enhanced interlayer trapping of a tetracycline ...