To boost EV numbers in Australia and New Zealand, MG will first begin addressing Australia’s Achilles Heel: lack of EV infrastructure. According to the electric vehicle council, Australia merely has 3,000 chargers across the country compared to the USA’s 45,000 publicly available chargers, w...
英国经典跑车制造商 MG 又回来了。即将推出的 Cyberster 是 MG 赖以成名的双座跑车的电动版——但该公司并没有止步于此。EXE181 是一款电动超级跑车,向 1959 年创下陆地速度记录的流线型原型车致敬。原版 EXE181 搭载 1.5 升双凸轮增压发动机,功率为 300 马力,在邦纳维尔