Axway Managed File Transfer (MFT) Axway's heritage of MFT security, innovation, and resilience spans over half a century. It plays a vital role in the successful daily operations of enterprises across industries. Read Our MFT Security PromiseLearn About MFT In The Cloud...
Learn what Managed File Transfer (MFT) is and how managed file transfer software solutions can help protect your sensitive data.
如果Managed File Transfer 进程检测到以下情况: 配置文件包含敏感信息,是密钥库或信任库文件,并且具有系统范围的读,写或删除许可权,那么如果在启动时检测到该进程,那么该进程将无法启动。 如果在启动时未检测到该条件,但在运行时检测到该条件,那么 Managed File Transfer 会生成一条警告消息并忽略配置文件的内容。
Learn how GoAnywhere Secure Managed File Transfer (MFT) protects & automates data exchanges and eliminates the need for manual methods like custom programs & scripts.
Managed file transfer (MFT) is a technology platform that allows organizations to reliably exchange electronic data in a secure way to meet compliance needs.
Serv-U® Managed File Transfer Server 为组织内外的文件传送提供广泛的安全性保护、自动化流程和综合控制。
Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server offers comprehensive security, automation, and control over file transfers in and outside your organization.
This allows integration from existing processes or to execute file transfers from remote systems. Secure FTP Solution for Windows: GoAnywhere MFT Image Managed File Transfer > Automated File Transfer > Secure File Transfer > SFTP Server and Client > Open PGP or GPG encryption > XML ...
In a recent Gartner publication (”Managed File Transfer Features You Will Need for Your Integration Projects“), analyst Ben Huang laid out several criteria for a managed file transfer solution. Security: At rest and in motion MFT Access: Limit access by role, individual and time ...
GoAnywhere MFT, a leading secure managed file transfer (SFT) software solution, helps organizations automatically and securely exchange data with trading partners, employees, and between systems. Get Started GoAnywhere MFT Delivers Security and Flexibility ...