系统进化树结果表明,Penicillium expansum(扩展青霉)与 Penicillium griseofulvum(灰表 2 11 个 MFS 转运蛋白登录号 Table 2 11 MFS transporters accession numbers 种名 Penicillium polonicum Penicillium crustosum Penicillium freii Penicillium camemberti Penicillium solitum Penicillium coprophilum Penicillium ...
Model Numbers Network Equipment : Network Hubs & Switches : Universal Remote Control, Inc. - MFS-8 Request Quote Find a Dealer Audio Filtering Network Switch Model: MFS-8 Required for DMS installations Prevents DMS streams from slowing down or crashing the network Protects conventional switches inst...
ALG9 was used as reference gene as described by Teste et al. [21]. Reverse transcripts copy numbers were calculated from standard curves established with known quantities of each template. Results are expressed as the ratio of number of copies of the target template per 105 copies of ALG9 ...
ManifestInfo ManifestControlNumbers ManifestKeyDates ManifestOrigin ManifestDestination ManifestPieceSummary ManifestCostEstimates ShipmentsManifestInfoManifestVendorID - This is our primary, unique textual identifier for the company responsible for the manifest. The identifier is only unique for a particular ...
(b). Deletions are shown as dashes, alterations on protein level leading to premature stop codons are depicted as asterisks highlighted in black. Numbers on the right side represent InDel sizes (bp = base pairs). Crossing schemes to generate homozygouswp−(CRISPR)lines inB. tryoni(c) ...
An independent individual designated in GLP who has been authorized by management to be responsible for the management of the archive, i.e. for the operations and procedures for archiving. 在GLP内指定的独立个人,由管理人员批准负责档案管理,即归档操作和程序。
Speaking of which, what are we to make of increasing employment numbers, but declining productivity? The first 6 months of last year had a decrease in GDP in $. Other countries, like Germany, are experiencing this also. If productivity continues to decline profit margins must fall also. ...