网络肉鱼禽因子 网络释义 1. 肉鱼禽因子 ...与动物肉中一种叫肉因子(meat factor)或肉鱼禽因子(MFPfactor)有关。|基于3个网页
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook MFP Also found in:Thesaurus,Medical,Acronyms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. MFP abbr.Physics mean free path American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Ha...
st: mfp and factor variable From: "m. kh" <> Re: st: mfp and factor variable From: Richard Williams <> Prev by Date: Re: st: intercept oddsratio mlogit Next by Date: Re: st: Multiple density plots, rotated and distributed on x-...
The dependence of the i-th core peak intensity pi on its energy Ei given by background optimization is proportional to the product of theoretical photoexcitation cross sections σi and the asymmetry factor ai after analyzer transmission correction. Therefore, any non-parallel behavior between pi and...
atambién hay que considerar el precio del contenido de componentes de antimonio metalúrgica y adaptarse a los requisitos técnicos y, finalmente, factores económicos y otros. também é necessário considerar o preço do índice de componentes metalúrgicos do antimónio e adaptar-se finalmente...
Brar G.S., Karamjit S., Makhan S., Gurmel S.M. (1994) Energy absorption buildup factor studies in water, air and concrets up to 100 mfp using G-P fitting formula, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 43 (6), 623-627.G. S. Brar, K. Singh, M. Singh, and G. S. Mudahar, "Energy ...
The buildup factor is defined as the ratios of the total detector response to the uncollided photons’ response (Jaeger et al., 1968). Generally, the buildup factors are of two types viz. exposure buildup factor and energy absorption buildup factor. Exposure buildup factor is that in which...
These results indicate that the method of invariant embedding is able to provide gamma-ray buildup factor up to depths of 100 mfp with an accuracy enough to be used in shielding calculations.AkinaoSHIMIZUThe Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center, 64-52-1, Nagatani, Tsuruga-shi, Fukui, 914-0192...
Multifactor Productivity Measurement and Forecasting in the Inforum LIFT Model The indicated importance of productivity increase may be taken to be some sort of measure of our ignorance. Moses Abramovitz (1956) This paper will describe some exciting new developments in the Inforum LIFT model of the...