The name “Zepp harkens to the days of dirigibles, or Zeppelins, which used trailing wire antennas that, by definition, had to be fed at one end. The antenna is 135 feet long, a half-wavelength at 3.5 MHz (for convenience, think of the center of the 80 Meter band as roughly 130...
Free Shipping - MFJ 945E Mobile Tuners with qualifying orders of $99. Shop Antenna Tuners at DX Engineering.
MFJ-1778M Junior G5RV Wire Antenna, 10-40MHZ, 1500W, 52FT $79.95 Compare Add To Cart MFJ-2012 Power-Lite OCFD, 40/20/10/6M, 1.5KW $109.95 Compare Add To Cart MFJ-1984LP , END FED, 1/2 WAVE, 40-10M, 30W, WIRE ANTENNA $79.95 Compare Add To Cart MTC...
Very well, thank you. In all cases, it clearly outperformed the Satellit 800’s whip antenna, providing more signal with less noise. When pitted against the 50-foot horizontal room loop wire antenna, the 1886 typically delivered more signal and less noise. In a few instances, the horizontal ...
p>You can tune any real antenna from 1.8 to 30 MHz, including all MARS and WARC bands. Use verticals, dipoles, inverted vees, yagis, quads, long-wires, whips, G5RVs, etc. has 4:1 balun for balanced line antennas. Handles up to 300 Watts SSB PEP, 200 W
B.WireantennaisconnectedtotheWIREterminal. C. BalancedlineisconnectedtotheBALANCEDLINEterminalandthetopbalancedlineterminalasindicatedby thedottedLine. MFJ-989B INSTRUCTION 4.Agroundpostisprovidedforgroundconnection. CONNECTIONDIAGRAM OPERATION Therollerinductorhasamaximuminductanceat99anda ...
is the distance to an open or short. This requires the open or short be a reasonably good open or short, and not an antenna or load. This system works well, when applied properly. I successfully find opens and cuts in my trunk cables, some cables are 3000 feet long, within a few fe...