行動裝置列印 How-to information about printing from mobile devices 列印設定 / 管理 How-to information about print settings using the panel on the machine or driver/software, and management for administrators 列印的小技巧 Useful information about printing ...
上传者:pykpuwso时间:2014-02-28 MFC7450打印机驱动 MFC7450 打印机驱动(32位),支持Windows 2003 Server,扫描仪驱动配置文件已经修改过,只需要在设置管理器中,将对应的驱动“更新驱动程序”,然后指向“\driver\win2kxpvista\chn”目录就可以了。 上传者:pdw563时间:2012-01-13...
I'm using Windows XP. I can't scan or the scanner doesn't work properly after installing the WIA driver. What can I do? 32 Printing on thick paper or transparencies. 33 I am trying to use a Brother driver from the CD supplied with the machine or downloaded from the Internet, and I...
To get the MFC-7220 driver, click the green download button above. After you complete your download, move on toStep 2. If the driver listed is not the right version or operating system,search our driver archivefor the correct version. EnterBrother MFC-7220into the search box above and then...
打开Brother官方网站,在搜索栏中输入“MFC-7220 Driver”。 选择适用于您计算机操作系统的驱动程序,并单击下载。 下载完成后,双击驱动程序包,然后按照安装向导一步一步进行操作。 配置mfc-7220打印机 在安装驱动程序之后,需要配置MFC-7220打印机才能开始使用。以下是配置步骤: ...
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