Universal Printer Driver 說明書(2 語言) For specific information about using the Brother Universal Printer Driver. 點擊以選擇(2 語言) BRAdmin Professional 4 User's Guide 這軟件可讓系統管理員配置及管理已連接了網路或USB線的Brother印表機與掃描器,及可以瀏覽眾多其它兼容SNMP的列印裝置狀態。…更多 15.1...
電腦掃描 (Macintosh) How-to information about scanning from Macintosh computer 掃描設定 / 管理 How-to information about scan settings using the panel on the machine or driver/software, and management for administrators 掃描的小技巧 Useful information about scanning ...