CMFCRibbonCheckBox 类 实现可添加到功能区面板、快速访问工具栏或弹出菜单的复选框。CMFCRibbonColorButton 类 实现可添加到功能区栏的颜色按钮。 功能区颜色按钮显示包含一个或多个调色板的下拉菜单。CMFCRibbonComboBox 类 实现可添加到功能区栏、功能区面板或功能区弹出菜单的组合框控件。
1. 新建一个对话框应用 2.向对话框添加一个树控件(Tree Control) 3. 设置属性 has buttons :true, Has lines: true, Lines at root: true, Edit labels : true 4.给树控件添加一个变量 m_tree, 5.选择Check boxes属性,设置为true,则树就有了checkbox 取数主要用 GetCheck方法 if(m_tree.GetCheck(h...
CMFCRibbonCheckBox Classe Implémente une case à cocher que vous pouvez ajouter à un panneau de ruban, une barre d'outils Accès rapide ou un menu contextuel.CMFCRibbonColorButton Classe Implémente un bouton de couleur que vous pouvez ajouter à une barre de ruban. Le bouton de couleur ...
Supports a property sheet where each property page is denoted by a page tab, a toolbar button, a tree control node, or a list item.CMFCReBar Class Control bar that provides layout, persistence, and state information for rebar controls.C...
BS_CHECKBOX - 复选框 BS_AUTOCHECKBOX - 自动改变状态的复选框 BS_RADIOBUTTON - 单选框 BS_3STATE - 三态复选框(选中,非选中,灰色) BS_AUTO3STATE - 自动改变状态的三态复选框 BS_GROUPBOX - 组框 BS_USERBUTTON - 此样式只为兼容16位Windows,已由BS_OWNERDRAW代替 ...
prettyprint 複製 if((point.x>=lRect.left && point.x<=lRect.right) && (point.y> && point.y<=lRect.bottom)) { // detect the click location within this MFC picture control } A couple of observations --Standard MFC message handling will pass a dialog's client area coordin...
Supports a property sheet where each property page is denoted by a page tab, a toolbar button, a tree control node, or a list item. CMFCPropertySheetCategoryInfo Used internally. CMFCReBar Class Control bar that provides layout, persistence, and state information for rebar controls. CMFCRibbon...
Supports a property sheet where each property page is denoted by a page tab, a toolbar button, a tree control node, or a list item. CMFCPropertySheetCategoryInfo Used internally. CMFCReBar Class Control bar that provides layout, persistence, and state information for rebar controls. CMFCRibbon...
BS_CHECKBOX - 复选框 BS_AUTOCHECKBOX - 自动改变状态的复选框 BS_RADIOBUTTON - 单选框 BS_3STATE - 三态复选框(选中,非选中,灰色) BS_AUTO3STATE - 自动改变状态的三态复选框 BS_GROUPBOX - 组框 BS_USERBUTTON - 此样式只为兼容16位Windows,已由BS_OWNERDRAW代替 ...