IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMyUIThread, CWinThread) CMyUIThread::CMyUIThread() {} CMyUIThread::~CMyUIThread() {} BOOL CMyUIThread::InitInstance() { // TODO: perform and per-thread initialization here return TRUE; } int CMyUIThread::ExitInstance() { // TODO: perform any per-thread cleanup here...
pThread = (CMyUIThread*) AfxBeginThread( RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyUIThread) ); 另外,我们也可以不用AfxBeginThread 创建线程,而是分如下两步完成: (1)调用线程类的构造函数创建一个线程对象; (2)调用CWinThread::CreateThread函数来启动该线程。 在线程自身内调用AfxEndThread函数可以终止该线程: void AfxEndThread( ...
启动UI线程的AfxBeginThread函数的原型为: CWinThread *AfxBeginThread( //从CWinThread派生的类的 RUNTIME_CLASS CRuntimeClass *pThreadClass, int nPriority = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, UINT nStackSize = 0, DWORD dwCreateFlags = 0, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttrs = NULL ); 我们可以方便地使用VC++ ...
A type of view class that provides the functionality of a Windows edit control and can be used to implement simple text-editor functionality.CEvent Class Represents an "event", which is a synchronization object that enables one thread to notify another that an event has occurred.CException...
A type of view class that provides the functionality of a Windows edit control and can be used to implement simple text-editor functionality.CEvent Class Represents an "event", which is a synchronization object that enables one thread to notify another that an event has occurred.CException...
Demonstrates how to dynamically remove specific menu items and submenus at application startup. MTMDI Sample: Demonstrates an MFC User Interface Thread Multithread illustration, where user-interface events are processed in a separate user-interface thread. ...
ON_THREAD_MESSAGE您必須使用 ,而不是ON_MESSAGE當您有類別CWinThread時。 使用者定義的訊息是任何不是標準 WindowsWM_MESSAGE訊息的訊息。 訊息對應中應該只有一個ON_THREAD_MESSAGE巨集語句,每個使用者定義訊息都必須對應至訊息處理程式函式。 需求 標頭:afxole.h ...
If my understanding is right, now the issue is how to use our own DllMain when we create a MFC dll project.When we try to use MFC library, we surely will include afx.h directly or indirectly, then MFC(afx.h) tell the linker to find the symbol of __afxForceUSRDLL and put that ...
Except during initialization, an MFC DLL can safely create multiple threads as long as it uses the Win32 thread local storage (TLS) functions such as TlsAlloc to allocate thread local storage. However, if an MFC DLL uses __declspec(thread) to allocate thread local storage, the client applicat...
Zero (0) - Execute the thread immediately after creation. CREATE_SUSPENDED - The thread object will be created with a suspend state. ResumeThread should be called to start the execution of the thread routine. lpSecurityAttrs (optional)- This should point to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that ...