4.)在自动生成的对话框模板IDD_EXAMPLE27_DIALOG中,删除“TODO: Place dialog controls here.”静态文本控件、“OK”按钮和“Cancel”按钮。添加一个Picture Control控件,在图片控件的属性页中有一个Type属性,Type属性下拉列表中有8种类型,下面分别介绍下: Frame:显示一个无填充的矩形框,边框颜色可以通过Color属性的...
4.)在自动生成的对话框模板IDD_EXAMPLE27_DIALOG中,删除“TODO: Place dialog controls here.”静态文本控件、“OK”按钮和“Cancel”按钮。添加一个Picture Control控件,在图片控件的属性页中有一个Type属性,Type属性下拉列表中有8种类型,下面分别介绍下: Frame:显示一个无填充的矩形框,边框颜色可以通过Color属性的...
// InPut: ResourceName - As a UINT Defined (Example: IDR_PICTURE_RESOURCE)// ~~~ ResourceType - Type Name (Example: "JPG")/// OutPut: TRUE If Succeeded...// ~~~//---BOOL CPicture::Load(UINT ResourceName, LPCSTR ResourceType)//===...
创建一个基于对话框的MFC工程,名称设置为“Example29”。 在自动生成的对话框模板IDD_EXAMPLE29_DIALOG中,删除“TODO: Place dialog controls here.”静态文本控件、“OK”按钮和“Cancel”按钮。添加一个List Control控件,ID设置为IDC_PROGRAM_LANG_LIST,View属性设为Report,即为报表风格,Single Selection属性设为True。
4.)在自动生成的对话框模板IDD_EXAMPLE27_DIALOG中,删除“TODO: Place dialog controls here.”静态文本控件、“OK”按钮和“Cancel”按钮。添加一个Picture Control控件,在图片控件的属性页中有一个Type属性,Type属性下拉列表中有8种类型,下面分别介绍下: Frame:显示一个无填充的矩形框,边框颜色可以通过Color属性的...
Then , you should judge the Point within MFC Picture control or not in the OnLButtonDown function.(lRect is the area of pircture control),like this:prettyprint Copier if((point.x>=lRect.left && point.x<=lRect.right) && (point.y>=lRect.top && point.y<=lRect.bottom)) { // ...
Re: MFC: Drag Images onto Picture Control Is a copy of the code I sent. There was other "superfluous" code. I tried your example worked perfectly fine, the only issue with my program that I have worked out, is that it actually won't let me Drag Files on top of my controls even ...
The example is part of the New Controls sample.C++ Copy CMFCButton m_Button; CMFCButton::SetMouseCursorSets the cursor image.C++ Copy void SetMouseCursor(HCURSOR hcursor); Parametershcursor [in] The handle of a cursor.RemarksUse this method to associate a cursor image, such as the ...
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control } 8、为CExample50Dlg类添加波形绘制的成员函数CExample50Dlg::DrawWave(CDC *pDC, CRect &rectPicture),参数分别为设备上下文指针和绘图的矩形区域。 C++代码 void CExample50Dlg::DrawWave(CDC *pDC, CRect &rectPicture) ...
For example, if a ribbon panel has insufficient space to display its elements, it becomes a menu button that displays subitems on a pop-up menu. The ribbon bar behaves as a static (non-floating) control bar and can be docked at the top of a frame....