在你的程序中使用静态方法 CSelectFolderDlg::Show() 就能显示一个选择文件夹的对话框啦,返回的CString就是所选文件夹路径。 /* 文件:SelectFolderDlg.h 说明:提供一个选择文件夹的对话框 */#ifndefSELECT_FOLDER_DLG_H#defineSELECT_FOLDER_DLG_H#ifndefBIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE#defineBIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE 0x0040#endifcl...
{I+=codeWee;} [C++] MFC: Select Folder Dialog CString sPath; CFolderPickerDialog fdlg; if (IDOK == fdlg.DoModal()) { sPath = fdlg.GetPathName(); } HTML | PHP | C++ | DirectX11 | Javascript | C# | HTML5 | ASP | SQL | General | CSS | Oculus Rift | Unity3d | Virtools SDK...
选择文件夹 1CString CBugReportDlg::SelFilePath()2{3TCHAR szFolderPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};4CString strFolderPath = TEXT("");56BROWSEINFO sInfo;7::ZeroMemory(&sInfo,sizeof(BROWSEINFO));8sInfo.pidlRoot =0;9sInfo.lpszTitle = _T("请选择处理结果存储路径");10sInfo.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNON...
// MFCApplicationImageDealDlg.h: 头文件//#pragma once// CMFCApplicationImageDealDlg 对话框classCMFCApplicationImageDealDlg:publicCDialogEx{// 构造public:CMFCApplicationImageDealDlg(CWnd*pParent=nullptr);// 标准构造函数// 对话框数据#ifdef AFX_DESIGN_TIMEenum{IDD=IDD_MFCAPPLICATIONIMAGEDEAL_DIALOG};...
For more detail, see the source code located in the mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation. For example, %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\atlmfc\src\mfc.SyntaxCopy class CMFCRibbonBar : public CPane ...
FolderCodeAnalysis FolderError FolderInformation FolderOffline FolderOpened FolderOpenedNoColor FolderOpenedWarning FolderSuppressed FolderTopPanel FolderWarning フォント FontColor FontDialogControl FontFile FontIcon フォントサイズ ForceDirectedLayout ForEach ForEachLoop ForegroundColor ForeignKey ForeignKeyConstrain...
To add classes derived from Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library classes to your project, use theAdd Classbutton inClass Wizard. Specify the name of the new class, select the base class, and select the ID of the dialog box with which it is associated (if any). The wizard creates a ...
For more detail, see the source code located in the mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation. For example, %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\atlmfc\src\mfc.Copy virtual BOOL AllowDestroyEmptyTabbedPane() const; Return Value...
A toolbar button that contains a pop-up menu. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.Syntaxคัดลอก class CMFCToolBarMenuButton : public CMFCToolBarButton ...
Members Remarks Example Show 46 more A toolbar button that contains a pop-up menu. For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.SyntaxCopy class CMFCToolBarMenuButton : public CMFCToolBarButton MembersPublic...