DATA:ctu_params TYPE ctu_params. DATA:return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA:l_char TYPE char255, l_line(2) TYPE n. DATA:in_menge TYPE string. "错误信息 DATA:p_type TYPE bapi_mtype, p_message TYPE bapi_msg, l_error_flag TYPE c. DATA: BEGIN OF i_bdcdata OCCURS ...
How to find function module or Bapi for particular transaction in sap? If you mean that you need to know what BAPI's a particular tranx uses, which I can only assume that's what you mean, then you should access the code behind the transaction and search for 'CALL'. That normally is...
1.I have tried to use BAPI BAPI_REPMANCONF_CREATE_MTS but in return i am getting error Enter storage location, I have already maintained storage location in import parameters of BFLUSHDATAGEN in this BAPI. 2.I have also tried to use BAPI BAPI_REPMANCONF1_CREATE_MTS , I have maintained...
Solved: Hi Experts; I want to use BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE bapi for MFBF Tcode process. But I dont know assing to GOODSMVT_CODE which number for MFBF. Which code assign to