If your device can scan QR codes: Don't click Next in the browser yet; instead, on your mobile device, launch Google Authenticator. In Google Authenticator, tap the + sign. Tap Scan a QR code and then point your camera at the QR code displayed in the browser on your computer. Your ...
2.Select Scan a QR code. (Or select add “+” and then Scan a QR code.) 3.Point your mobile phone’s camera to the QR code on screen so it scans. After scanning the QR code, a confirmation will say “Account added”. The account name shows as: Microsoft (Rancho Santiago Community...
importcom.et.mfa.domain.TOTP;importorg.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException;importorg.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;importorg.springframework.stereotype.Service; @ServicepublicclassTotpService {publicbooleanverifyCode(StringtotpCode,Stringsecret) {Stringto...
多因素身份验证(MFA)设置说明说明书 多因素身份验证(MFA)设置说明 纽约州已经开始在一些面向公众的应用程序上使用多因素认证(MFA)。MFA是一种有助于确保您的帐户安全的方法。它需要第二个因素来证明您是您所说的那个人,而不仅仅是一个密码。如果您使用的是MFA保护的应用程序,即使有人猜测或窃取了您的密码,他们...
确定MFA 应用程序是否支持 QR 码,然后在设置身份验证器应用程序页面上执行以下操作之一: 选择Show QR code(显示 QR 代码),然后使用该应用程序扫描 QR 代码。例如,您可选择摄像头图标或选择类似于 Scan code(扫描代码)的选项,然后使用装置的摄像头扫描此代码。 选择显示密钥,然后将该密钥输入到您的 MFA 应用程序中...
确定MFA 应用程序是否支持 QR 码,然后在设置身份验证器应用程序页面上执行以下操作之一: 选择显示QR 代码,然后使用该应用程序扫描 QR 代码。例如,您可选择摄像头图标或选择类似于 Scan code(扫描代码)的选项,然后使用装置的摄像头扫描此代码。 选择显示密钥,然后将该密钥键入到 MFA 应用程序中。 重要 当您为 IAM...
To register using QR code, use the authenticator app to scan the QR code displayed on the screen. To register manually, enter the secret displayed on the screen into your authenticator app. Once it is done, a different OTP will be generated on your app. Click Next. Enter the OTP generate...
You may either scan the QR code with the app or enter the code presented on the app, then click Submit. From the Multi-Factor Authentication Success pop-up, click Continue and you will be taken to the Account Manager Payments overview page. You may change your authentication method at any...
You can implement multi-factor authentication using hardware or software tokens. For software tokens, users must scan the QR code on the user portal using an authenticator application on their mobile devices, such as the authenticator feature in Intercept X for Mobile. ...
You can implement multi-factor authentication using hardware or software tokens. For software tokens, users must scan the QR code on the user portal using an authenticator application on their mobile devices, such as the authenticator feature in Intercept X for Mobile. ...