The writing sample & SOP are what you have control over, so try to focus on that! Unfortunately, the NYC MFAs are not great with funding. I know because I had the same desire as you to live in NYC, but I got into 3 programs and they all offered little or no funding. Columbia ...
99.9 % has some writing. But sometimes there’s no writing. I save plain paper that’s handmade. I save gift wrap, maybe the last tiny square of that gift wrap I got at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Seeing it reminds me of a wonderful trip to NYC that I took with my sister, ...
1. Jason, you are an NYC based curator, creative entrepreneur, director, producer and public speaker but you started out as an artist, am I correct ? I did start out as an artist. When I was 13 years old I was growing up overseas in Taipei, Taiwan and I had an amazing teacher who...