適用作業系統的驅動程式和軟體:Windows 11、Windows 10、Windows 8、Windows 8.1、Windows 7、Windows Vista(64 位元 / 32 位元) 佳能Canon imageCLASS MF4770n 印表機和掃描器驅動程式 這些是打印機附帶的 CD 中包含的驅動程序和軟件。 正確安裝印表機驅動程式:請勿將印表機連接到電腦。首先開始安裝軟體。在安裝過程...
Solved: I have several Windows 11 machines running the 24h2 version. I have a venerable MF4770n. Two Windows machines were upgraded from Windows 10. Two have fresh
Reinstall the ScanGear driver and try to scan again. If this does not resolve the issue, we recommend that you contact us so that we can further assist you.Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer...
Hi Darius, I did install the printer on it. Also tried to uninstall and re-intalled driver few times, setting paper size but still "out of paper". Anyhow, I tried with another laptop Win10 and it worked. Thanks for your support. user21net 0 Likes Reply SUBSCRIBE...
Hi Darius, I did install the printer on it. Also tried to uninstall and re-intalled driver few times, setting paper size but still "out of paper". Anyhow, I tried with another laptop Win10 and it worked. Thanks for your support. user21net 0 Likes Reply LEARN...