Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) originally referred to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. It is now often used to refer to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when this is viewed as a time zone, and in casual use for the most parts it is the same. In military ...
A - Alpha Time Zone CET - Central European Time MEZ - Mitteleuropäische Zeit WAT - West Africa Time WST - Western Sahara Summer Time BMT - Biel Mean Time Universal Time Coordinated Offset:UTC is 0 hours ahead Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and is used in Universal ...
The legality of the sinking of General Belgrano was later disputed due to disagreement on the exact nature of the MEZ and whether General Belgrano had been returning to port at the time of the sinking. Last moments of the Belgrano; tragic sinking cost more than 320 lives, but changed the ...
Time Zone Abbreviation / Name EET - Eastern European Time EEST - Eastern European Summer Time UTC / GMT Offset +2:00 hours during Eastern European Time, currently in use. +3:00 hours during Eastern European Summer Time. Daylight Saving Time Change ...
Time zones with the GMT +1 offset: BST - British Summer Time CET - Central European Time IST - Irish Standard Time WEST - Western European Summer Time A - Alpha Time Zone CET - Central European Time MEZ - Mitteleuropäische Zeit WAT - West Africa Time WST - Western Sahara Summer ...
MEZ to B MEZ to CEST PST to MEZ Popular Time Zone Converters GMT to PDT PST to UTC IST to EDT PDT to GMT CET to IST IST to BST PDT to PST EST to GMT GMT to PST UTC to CST Popular Denmark Converters Denmark to FSAT Denmark to NOVST Denmark to ECT ...
Time zones with the GMT +1 offset: BST - British Summer Time CET - Central European Time IST - Irish Standard Time WEST - Western European Summer Time A - Alpha Time Zone CET - Central European Time MEZ - Mitteleuropäische Zeit WAT - West Africa Time WST - Western Sahara Summer ...
Time zones with the GMT +1 offset: BST - British Summer Time CET - Central European Time IST - Irish Standard Time WEST - Western European Summer Time A - Alpha Time Zone CET - Central European Time MEZ - Mitteleuropäische Zeit WAT - West Africa Time WST - Western Sahara Summer ...
MEZ to CST B to MEZ MEZ to UTC MEZ to CAT EET to MEZ PST to MEZ CEST to MEZ Popular Time Zone Converters GMT to PDT UTC to PST CST to GMT EDT to CST EST to CET CET to CST IST to BST EST to EDT IST to UTC GMT to IST Popular Teis Converters Te...
Time zones with the GMT +1 offset: BST - British Summer Time CET - Central European Time IST - Irish Standard Time WEST - Western European Summer Time A - Alpha Time Zone CET - Central European Time MEZ - Mitteleuropäische Zeit WAT - West Africa Time WST - Western Sahara Summer ...