Outage Center I'm a CustomerI'm a Retail Provider Image View Outage Map Image Report Street Light Issues Image Vegetation Management Image Energy Efficiency Check for power outages in your area. Go to out Power Outage Center for multiple ways to report an outage or to get more information on...
Prior to the visit i had the subsurface team get me map overlays showing the surface topography, structure and net pay so i could put them on the legal plats and aerial photos. And i noticed there was a really good spot much further from the house, located on a flat spot with excellent...
action, I was told, "No refunds," with the excuse that the power outage was "out of their control". The manager, they claimed, would be updating us with “compensation,” but that turned out to be a hollow promise. Their final response was "We can't give you any kind of refund...
even as work is underway to restore power to the facility by Wednesday, and later connect 125 idled wells at the Ku-Maloob-Zaap (KMZ) cluster, Mexico’s largest with a 750,000-bpd average output.
受影响的邮政编码为88345和88312。停电于上午 11:09 开始。预计修复时间为下午 6:30。工作人员正在更换损坏的电线杆。 停机链接:ebill.ote-coop.com/maps/public/OutageWebMap/ 来源:www.ocec-inc.com/ 发布时间:2024-11-09 #poweroutage#ruidoso#newmexico#unitedstates 2 有帮助 跟随 添加报告...